Whackfactor Break-Out Adventures DVD
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the first DVD from the Whackfactor Outdoors team

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Trevor's Big Stag

At the tail end of the Sika Slam weekend, most of us decided to head on home to work on the honey-do lists, but a few of the Whackfactor Outdoors boys would rather get an ear full and stayed to hunt one more day! On Columbus Day, Jesse, Doug, Jeremy, and Trevor headed out into the marsh for one last hunt, where Trevor and Jeremy would get it done in a very big way!

Trevor's first sika deer ever was a giant stag, with a bow on film on public land! Trevor: "We had not seen a deer all morning, then like a ghost he came out of the frag. I thought to myself, that it looked like a nice deer from 300 yards. I truly understood what a trophy he was when the boys and I found him only 80 yards from the tree..."

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